Rotary Club of West Allis
About Our Club

Rotary Founded in 1905, Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian in all vocations and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 33,000 Rotary clubs in more than 200 countries and geographic areas.
Rotary Club of West Allis
Founded in 1927, the Rotary Club of West Allis exists to provide fellowship and enlightening programs for our members and to encourage, foster, and implement the ideals of Rotary International in our local community and throughout the world in ways that enhance the quality of life and human dignity, create greater understanding among all people, and advance the prospects for peace. In all of our activities, we will abide by the highest ethical standards and will always be guided by the Rotarian Four-Way Test.
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
The Rotary Club of West Allis is governed by a board of director consisting of six officers and six directors.
Service areas include:
Governance and leadership
Club Service
Youth and vocational service
International service
Publications and communication
The Rotary Club of West Allis has approximately 60 members representing businesses, professions, nonprofit organizations and educational institutions in the West Allis area. Membership is by invitation and offers a number of benefits, including:
Effecting change within the community.
Developing leadership skills.
Gaining an understanding of, and having an impact on, humanitarian issues.
Enjoying fellowship and developing relationships with other community and business leaders.
Meetings are held each Thursday of the month. A buffet luncheon begins at 11:45 a.m., the business meeting starts at 12:00 p.m. Speakers are introduced at 12:30 p.m. The program ends at 1:00 p.m.
The Rotary Club of West Allis is recognized for its exceptional programs and speakers.
The Rotary Club of West Allis has a rich and proud tradition of generous
and enthusiastic members who enable our club to thrive and achieve
remarkable success in supporting the community and Rotary
International endeavors.
West Allis School District
Interact Club at Nathan Hale High School
Interact Club at Central High School
Interact Club at Dottke High School EarlyAct Club at West Milwaukee JHS
Reading Buddies at Irving Elementary
Weekly student guests at our meetings
World Affairs seminar
Community Organizations/Projects
Think Program
C.A.A.D. Program
Health Department Programs
West Allis Police Department
Boy Scout Troop & Cub Scout Sponsorship
Annual Seniors' Christmas Party
West Allis Fire Department
Food Basket Program
Book Collection and Distribution Program
The Rotary Club of West Allis Foundation is a nonprofit,501(C)(3) tax-exempt foundation whose member are the members of the Rotary Club of West Allis and whose mission is to increase the club's philanthropy and improve the quality of life in our community, with emphasis on young people in need. It is governed by a separate board of directors vote on by the entire Club's membership, eligibility requirements are stipulated in our Rotary club's By-Laws.
Lisa Berman
Judy Shabman