Pix one to five--Interact students help out each week serving breakfast to the homeless Vets on Thursday mornings. Jerry Falk takes the responsibly of picking them up each week. Pix six-VP Jim Davies at Bubhr Bike shared a question and answer presentation about the company which is headquarted in Milwaukee. The rate of renting a bike is $3 per 30 minutes. Pix seven--Bublr Bike is coming to West Allis in the next few months. They receive Federal grants from the municipalities when setting up the docking stations. Pix eight-- We had Interact student Cheyene from West Allis Central visiting our meeting today. Pix nine--Amber is from West Allis Dottke. She has been a visitor before and enjoys the friendiness of the Rotary members. Pix ten--Miles from West Allis Dottke was making his first visit. We ask our first timers to ge up in front of the club members and share their interests, school activities, and what are their plans after graduation.
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