Pix one--Gabby, Dottke Interact student, was our guest on Thursday. Pix two--This was the third time Athenos, Dottke, had made the visit to our club. Pix third--Miranda, West Allis Hale Interact (on the left) and Monica, West Allis Central, were visiting our Rotary club. Pix four--We sang Happy Birthday to Bob Thompto on his 91st Birthday. Keep going Bob! Pix five--Jerry Falk made the announcement of the INTERACT Empty Bowl Campaign sponsed by West Allis Central. A $5.00 donation is a soup bowl filled with soup. The monies go toward buying food for the local food pantries in the area. Pix six--Our program was Ben Merens, Immunotherapy and Cancer treatment research showing the process in interviewing researchers in explaining their work in blood study. Sid was the researcher Ben used to demonstrate the process.
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